Getting Out of Myself

Let’s talk about getting out of myself and turning my attention to others and see what happens to my life when I do that.

Yesterday I had a friend call, but I wasn’t able to take her call. She left a message, but I didn’t know it until after we talked today. She called today and first thing she asked was, “how are you?” A lot of times I just say I’m good, or fine or even sometimes FABULOUS. This morning I didn’t say that. I let her know I was ok. Not great, not fabulous, but ok. I took just a few minutes to let her know of a few things that are weighing heavy on my heart lately. I then said that it will all work out, how are YOU??!!!

She hadn’t seen me in a while and wanted to share with me so she decided to call me. (which was last night and I wasn’t available so we connected this am) She then told me about something WAY big in her life that has just brought her soooo much JOY!!!  After she shared with me her joyful stuff, I got a HUGE grin on my face and told her with a lot of happiness and joy in MY voice how happy I was for her!!! My mood instantly lifted and I felt so much better!!!!!

When I get out of myself and the stuff I’m worried about or is just weighing me down and turn to others, my attitude usually changes and things are brighter for me. Try it….. next time you’re down and out, try reaching out to someone else and asking them about THEMSELVES and put your stuff aside for a little bit. See if your attitude or mood shifts at all. I’d love to hear about your experience with this!! Let me know!!

Blessings to you All


One Comment

  1. This is great! I think your phone call had the best of both worlds. You were able to share your heavy stuff, or just be honest about just feeling “OK”. You knew your friend wouldn’t judge you for not feeling fabulous all the time. Once you shared openly and honestly, that opened the door to step into the happy stuff. When your friend shared her happiness, you were free to celebrate and delight in it with her. I suspect that if you had held back the truth and said, “I’m great!” instead, you probably wouldn’t have been as happy for her. You’d probably still be holding on to the …whatever… that was making you feel not quite as awesome.

    You’re totally right, it’s important to have friends we trust to let us be not-okay all the time, and to help pick us up. It’s also important for us to be that kind of friend for others. Happiness is a shared event! 🙂

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